

“Bangladesh in not the most corrupted country in the world. It can not even match a single big corruption of America with all of its corruptions put together.”
--M. Saifur Rahman, Bangladesh’s present Finance Minister said to the journalists in defense of Bangladesh when the news broke out that Bangladesh has been awarded the first place for the consecutive 3rd time as the most corrupted country in the world.

I really didn’t like it when I read it on the newspaper. Did he mean that since there are other countries whose corruptions have lot worse effects in the world than ours, it is ok with our corruption? I think he could have replied to the journalists in this way…

“Yes, Bangladesh in the most corrupted country in the world. But still I feel no shame for that. For our corruptions not a single country in this world suffers. For our corruption thousands of innocent people of another country do not die. We do attack another country in the name of ‘liberating them’. Our country in its thousands of years history never attacked any country. Isn’t it a matter to be proud of? It is true that we need to improve the law and order of our country and we are working hard on that matter. And when we have done so, I hope you won’t find any reason to criticize Bangladesh. I wish you’d also come forward with a helping hand rather than criticizing only.”

Now if someone tells you “Your country is the most corrupted in the world”, tell him “Isn’t it better to be a citizen of a corrupted county than being a citizen of a terrorist country?”


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