

Fahrenheit 9/11 

I was willing to write something about Fahrenheit 9/11 for weeks after watching that movie. But couldn't manage enough time and I don't have much knowledge about Michael Moore either. So I refrained.
But here is an article about Fahrenheit 9/11 from Baghdad Burning. I could have never written anything like this.
Whoever was behind that 9/11, it matters little. US has found a reason to capture some countries because of that event. Now, the real fact is... 2 towers have brought US 2 countries. Mr. Bush surely is grateful to those who destroyed those towers so that he could start his wars on a good cause.
Now, some things are getting clear. Just those 2 towers are not enough for Mr. Bush to carry on his good cause farther. Maybe he belives in that theory that one country for one tower. So to attack Iran he certainly needs at least another tower to be destroyed. Hmmm... My little mind calculates in this way...Isn't it why Rumsfeld is certain that there would be more terrorist attacks on US soil?????????

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