

Beggars: Is every one of them poor?  

Who are the poorest people in our society? The beggars, should be the answer. I used to think the same even recently. But I don’t feel the same now, as I know that some of the beggars in our country may have possessions worth of millions of taka. I heard about a beggar, who begs at Shah Amanat Ullah Mazaar (a grave believed to be of a saint person) in Chittagong has a multi-storeyed building in this port city. His family members live in affluence. When asked why he still begs he said, “this is my source of income. I can’t live without this profession.”

Every Mazaar has authorities that run the mazaars. Without taking permission from the authority no beggar can enter the mazaar area. And the beggars have to pay the authority to get a place there. On special occasions like Shab-a-kadar, Shab-e-barat the prices of these seats are fixed by tenders. Sometimes the price hikes to as much as 20,000taka for a nice place. Unbelievable right??? But believe it.

The Chittagoneans are usually mazaar loving. They have some faiths (not to mention, most of them have no relation with Islam) regarding spending on mazaars. Maybe in future we will find coaching centres where people will be taught how to become successful as a professional beggar.


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